Many people come to Duke from outside of North Carolina for lung transplant surgery. To ease the burden and expense of travel, we offer several options for remote care. Telehealth appointments are currently available and covered by insurance in more than 20 states -- with more to follow -- for people who may be candidates for lung translation but do not need surgery immediately. If your condition worsens, you will come to Duke for a complete in-person evaluation.
- Alabama
- Connecticut
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
Before your first remote evaluation session, you will undergo testing -- including blood, breathing, and imaging tests -- at a facility close to you. During your video-based appointment, you will meet your transplant pulmonologist and learn more about the lung transplant program at Duke. You and your pulmonologist will also discuss your test results and any health concerns that need to be addressed before surgery.
Video Check-In Appointments Before and After Surgery
If you have questions or concerns after your limited evaluation, you can schedule additional video visits with your transplant pulmonologist. Telehealth appointments are also available after lung transplantation.
In some cases, we offer consultations, which can take place in person or remotely. These appointments are for people who have already completed a comprehensive evaluation elsewhere and want to be listed at more than one center or by special request from an insurance provider.
Remote, Written Second Opinion Reports
You can get a written second opinion report from a Duke transplant pulmonologist. A second opinion can confirm a diagnosis, offer a different diagnosis, provide information about the most advanced treatments available, and ensure confidence in your decisions when faced with a serious medical condition.
Step 2: Evaluation