Duke has been a pioneer in organ transplantation since 1965, when we established one of the nation’s first kidney transplant programs. Since then, our delivery of expert care to more than 600 people each year and our ability to perform transplant procedures not offered by other centers has made us one of the top transplant centers in the U.S. Our wait times are consistently some of the shortest, and our survival rates are among the best in the United States.

Our Locations

Transplant surgery is performed at Duke University Hospital. Duke clinics offer care before and after transplant.

Our Doctors
Meet our doctors, view their profiles, and select the one that’s right for you.

More Organs to More People Who Need Them

Duke Transplant Surgeons Have Performed More Than 10,000 Organ Transplants
The Duke Transplant Center is one of the few U.S. transplant centers that have performed more than 10,000 organ transplants, according to the Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network. Duke credits this achievement to research and innovation that has expanded access and shortened wait times for people who need organ transplants.

Shorter Wait Times 
Our transplant programs are known for their short wait times. For instance, the median wait time on our lung transplant list is about 15 days, compared with 58 days nationwide. We pride ourselves on being resourceful and using as many high-quality donor organs as possible. That means you may get a transplant much faster than you would elsewhere.

Expanded Donor Pools 
We use the latest advances in transplant medicine to expand the pool of available organs, including aggressive organ recovery efforts and innovative organ preservation strategies. 

  • Duke was one of the first U.S. centers to use a process called Donation after Cardiac Death for heart transplants that can keep the heart beating and viable. This advance may expand the heart donor pool by up to 30%. 
  • We may use perfusion devices to keep donor livers viable longer than the standard preservation process. 
  • We use perfusion and ventilation systems to keep donor lungs viable longer than the standard preservation process.

High-Risk Candidates 
We often accept people seeking an organ transplant who may be older, at higher-than-average risk, need multiple organ transplants, or have difficult-to-match antibodies. If another transplant program has turned you down, we may be able to help.

Request a Referral from Your Doctor

If you are interested in making an appointment for an evaluation, please ask your doctor to submit a referral.

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Organs
We consider accepting organs from donors with hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Because modern hepatitis C medications are so effective, have few side effects, and don’t interact with immune medicines that are required for transplant recipients, these organs can help save lives instead of being discarded.

HIV Organs 
The HOPE Act made it possible for HIV-positive donors to offer their organs to HIV-positive recipients. Duke offers transplants of all organs for recipients who are HIV-positive. We are the only transplant center in North Carolina -- and one of a handful in the nation -- currently approved to perform HOPE Act living donor heart, lung, kidney, and liver transplants. In 2019, our kidney transplant surgeons performed the first live kidney donation under the HOPE Act in North Carolina and the Southeast region and the second in the United States.

Active Living Donor Programs 
We offer living donor programs for kidney, liver, and intestinal transplants, and paired donor exchange for kidney transplants. These options can lengthen organ life, reduce wait times, and result in faster recovery and fewer complications after surgery.

National Recognition

Among the Nation's Best Lung Transplant Programs
Duke's lung transplant program is the largest in the U.S. based on the total number of transplants performed. The team has completed more than 2,500 transplants since its inception. It also has some of the shortest waitlist times in the nation; 15 days compared to 52 nationally.

Top-Ranked Liver Transplant Center
Duke's adult liver transplant program maintains excellent outcomes for our patients even though we place very sick patients on the liver transplant waitlist. The median time to transplant for people on Duke’s waitlist was 73 days, compared with 201 days nationally.

High Ranking for Heart Transplant Program 
Our heart transplant program is one of the nation’s busiest; independent data show we performed the most heart transplants in 2023. We have some of the shortest wait times on the East Coast; 33 days compared to 91 days nationally. In December 2023, the heart transplant program joined an elite group of only five centers that have performed more than 2,000 transplants. Duke is the only center recognized for this accomplishment in the Southeast.

Excellent Kidney Transplant Outcomes
The Duke kidney transplant program has performed kidney transplants for nearly 60 years. It is one of the highest-volume programs in North Carolina. Our outcomes are consistently excellent -- a notable accomplishment considering that we often perform transplants for people with multiple, complex medical problems. 

Clinical Trials at Duke

Our doctors are leaders in transplantation research, which gives you access to best practices and new therapies through our transplant programs and clinical research.

Performing Rare Transplants

Multi-Organ Transplants 
Multi-organ transplants are relatively rare; more than 1,400 were performed in the U.S. in 2023. With the highest rate of multi-organ transplants in the region, Duke has the expertise and experience to perform combinations of organ transplants not offered at other hospitals, such as heart-kidney, heart-liver, heart-lung, liver-lung, and liver-small bowel-pancreas.

Hand Transplants 
Fewer than 300 people in the world have received hand transplants. The leader of our hand transplant program participated in the first two hand transplants performed in the U.S., and Duke is one of the few hospitals in the world that has the expertise and technology to perform this complex procedure.

Intestinal Transplants
Duke is one of the few hospitals in the U.S. with experienced transplant surgeons who perform intestinal transplants in both adults and children.

Consistently Ranked Among the Nation’s Best Hospitals

Duke University Hospital is proud of our team and the exceptional care they provide. They are why we are once again recognized as the best hospital in North Carolina, and nationally ranked in 11 adult and 10 pediatric specialties by U.S. News & World Report for 2024–2025.

Expert Care

A Team Approach 
Your Duke transplant team includes doctors and surgeons, nutritionists, physical and occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, financial counselors, and others, depending on your specific health condition, financial situation, and mental health needs. Our transplant coordinators are nurses specially trained in transplant care. They will help you navigate the transplant process and are available to answer all your questions. We provide educational care guides and many other resources to prepare you and your family for transplant.

Access to Clinical Trials 
Our doctors are leaders in transplantation research and are involved in clinical trials to test new therapies and ways to reduce transplant rejection. As a patient at Duke Health, you may be eligible to participate.

Support Programs
We want to help you be as healthy as possible before surgery. Duke offers a full range of services to help you prepare, including smoking cessation and pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Bariatric surgery may be available before, during, or after transplant surgery. You will also have access to a wide range of specialists, should you need them. As a Duke transplant recipient, you are our patient for life. We will provide you with the resources and support you need -- right after surgery and in the years to come.

Remote, Written Second Opinion Reports
Get a written second opinion report from a Duke Health specialist in the comfort of your home. A second opinion can confirm a diagnosis, offer a different diagnosis, provide information about the most advanced treatments available, and ensure confidence in your decisions when faced with a serious medical condition. Learn more about our remote second opinion platform and process.

This page was medically reviewed on 11/08/2022