When to Seek Care from a Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologist
Pediatric and adolescent gynecologists provide comprehensive medical and surgical gynecologic care to children from birth to age 21 for a variety of conditions. They are specially trained in the anatomy and needs of children and adolescents. Examples of conditions we treat include:
- Congenital differences of the genitalia or reproductive tract, including differences of sex development, uterine anomalies, and vaginal agenesis
- Labial adhesions and vulvar skin concerns
- Vaginal bleeding that occurs before puberty
- Abnormal pubertal development
- Menstrual conditions and supression
- Contraceptive and medical use of birth control
- Vaginal and other reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases
- Dysmenorrhea, endometriosis and pelvic pain
- Ovarian cysts and masses
- Gynecological care and fertility preservation associated with complex medical conditions, including cancer
What to Expect During the Visit
We will listen to your concerns, discuss your options, and work together to develop a plan of care. We are committed to family-centered care and encourage you to ask questions.
We begin the visit by discussing your child’s medical and surgical histories. Please bring any relevant notes and records.
Physical Exam
A physical exam is tailored to your child’s concerns. This may include evaluation of the breasts and/or external genitalia. An internal genital exam is not recommended unless medically indicated. We aim to make you and your child feel comfortable.
Blood and urine testing, and imaging studies may be recommended to help determine a diagnosis.
Counseling for Adolescents
We encourage communication between adolescents and their families, and parents/guardians are welcome to attend every appointment. The pediatric and adolescent gynecologist also may talk with your adolescent alone, with the goal of promoting safety and health. A partial list of topics that may be discussed includes sexual activity/contraception, substance use, and mental health concerns. This approach has been shown to build trust between your adolescent and healthcare provider.