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A New Approach to Treating DCIS
Shelley Hwang, MD, in TIME Magazine

DCIS researcher and breast surgeon, Shelly Hwang, MD
Time magazine's cover story sheds light on doctors' new thinking about how to treat ductal carcinoma in-situ or DCIS with active surveillance, rather than more conventional cancer treatments, including mastectomy. Nationally recognized DCIS researcher Shelley Hwang, MD, a Duke breast cancer surgeon, explains why a one-treatment approach doesn't work. New data suggests there is a better way to treat some breast cancers in some women.
TIME Feature on DCIS
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a stage 0 breast cancer that has been in the news of late because many cancer doctors are rethinking the way it should be treated. Dr. Shelley Hwang, MD, a Duke breast surgeon, has been at the forefront of these discussions. In the October 12, 2015, issue of TIME magazine, Hwang joins other leading breast cancer doctors in explaining why women have been massively overtreated for this type of breast cancer, often being told they need extensive radiation and chemotherapy. Some even opt to undergo mastectomy to reduce their anxiety.
Hwang said new research shows active surveillance -- following the cancer closely with regular screenings -- may be a better approach for some women.
Learn more about the new way doctors are approaching treatment of DCIS -- and Hwang's personal approach to care -- in this video, and in the TIME magazine article.

DCIS accounts for 20-25 percent of all breast cancers identified through screening.