Stories and news about treatment advances that improve your health and quality of life

Ear, Nose and Throat

Read about the range of care provided by Duke otolaryngologists, also known as ear, nose, and throat or ENT doctors. Learn how their care has helped men and women manage a wide variety of conditions.

Showing 13 - 24 of 34 results
Tips for Healthy Children’s Voices
Tips for Healthy Children’s Voices

Find tips to keep your child's voice healthy now and in the future.

More People Eligible for Cochlear Implants Thanks to Expanded Criteria
More People Eligible for Cochlear Implants Thanks to Expanded Criteria

People with severe hearing loss in just one ear are now eligible to receive cochlear implants. These surgically implanted devices not only improve a person’s o ...

Hearing Aids vs. Cochlear Implants
Hearing Aids vs. Cochlear Implants

Both hearing aids and cochlear implants help people with hearing loss to communicate better. Hearing aids do not require surgery and are best suited for people ...

5 Steps to Keeping the Aging Voice Healthy
5 Steps to Keeping the Aging Voice Healthy

As we get older, our voices can become hoarse and weak. But this doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging. Here are a few simple suggestions to help keep ...

Tracheoesophageal Puncture (TEP) Surgery and Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis Help People Speak After Total Laryngectomy
Tracheoesophageal Puncture (TEP) Surgery and Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis Help People Speak After Total Laryngectomy

People with throat cancer or voice box cancers who lose their ability to speak following the removal of of their larynx (voice box) can learn to produce near n ...

Balloon Offers Relief from Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Balloon Offers Relief from Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Inserting a small, balloon-like device in a blocked eustachian tube can bring relief to children and adults who suffer from chronic eustachian tube dysfunction ...

Acoustic Neuroma Technique Preserves, Restores Hearing
Acoustic Neuroma Technique Preserves, Restores Hearing

Duke surgeons are using cochlear implants to prevent hearing loss or to restore hearing in people who lost their hearing when benign tumors pressed on nerves i ...

Swallowing Therapy Helps Woman Overcome Dysphagia
Swallowing Therapy Helps Woman Overcome Dysphagia

Elizabeth Morgan, age 51, started having trouble swallowing just a few months after finishing cancer treatment. The Burlington, NC resident began choking on he ...

Sialendoscopy Removes Salivary Stones, Spares Glands, Speeds Recovery
Sialendoscopy Removes Salivary Stones, Spares Glands, Speeds Recovery

When Darlene Carroll complained about pain and swelling in her neck while eating, her doctor told her “it had something to do with my saliva.” A salivary stone ...

Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery Relieves Years of Troublesome Symptoms
Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery Relieves Years of Troublesome Symptoms

LaShonda Sousa suffered from sneezing fits, a constant runny nose, and other common allergy symptoms for years, but eventually her issues became severe enough ...

One-Hour Procedure Relieves Years of Sinus Problems
One-Hour Procedure Relieves Years of Sinus Problems

Frequent, severe sinus infections made Emily Drews miserable for years, especially when pollen triggered her allergies. Then she had a sinuplasty procedure at ...

It Takes a Team to Hear Again After Cochlear Implant
It Takes a Team to Hear Again After Cochlear Implant

After 30 years of losing his hearing, 76-year-old Bryan Seiler of Wake Forest received a cochlear implant at Duke. It changed his life.