Duke Health

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Child Life specialist Micah Sedillos spends time with Graham Alexander and his children as they enjoy bubbles and snow cones at a quarterly in-person meet-up of KidsCAN!

KidsCan! Connects Kids to Talk about Parents’ Cancer

The KidsCAN! team approached Graham Alexander and his family shortly after his wife, Elizabeth, was transferred to the Duke Cancer Center from another hospital to further her care for colon cancer. At first, Graham felt reluctant to get involved in the program.

 Eliana Vera González sonríe mientras su hija la abraza en su casa en Morrisville, NC.

Audición preservada después de la cirugía para quitar el neuroma acústico grande

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En septiembre de 2023, a Eliana Vera González la diagnosticaron con un neuroma acústico, un tumor no canceroso en la base del cráneo que crece cerca del cerebro y del oído interno. Debido a su tamaño y ubicación, retirarlo podría provocar una pérdida funcional permanente, incluida la pérdida de audición. Los cirujanos de Duke utilizaron una técnica quirúrgica avanzada para extirpar de forma segura el tumor de González y preservar su audición. Ahora González, de 38 años, está agradecida de poder disfrutar del tiempo con su familia. “Pasé unos meses sin poder jugar con mi hija de siete años por dolores de cabeza y mareos,” dijo González. “Hoy, gracias a Dios y a Duke, podemos hacerlo.”

Eliana Vera González smiles as her daughter embraces her at their home in Morrisville, NC.

Hearing Preserved After Surgery to Remove Large Acoustic Neuroma

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In September 2023, Eliana Vera González was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma, a non-cancerous skull base tumor that grows near the brain and inner ear. Because of its size and location, removing it could result in permanent function loss, including hearing loss. Duke surgeons used an advanced surgical technique to safely remove González’s tumor and preserve her hearing. Now González, 38, is thankful to be enjoying time with her family. “I spent a few months without being able to play with my seven-year-old daughter due to headaches and dizziness,” González said. “Today, thanks to God and Duke, we can do it."

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