Please review our visitor guidelines before visiting this location. Keeping everyone safe is our top priority. We appreciate your support of our efforts.
Duke Medicine Pavilion
The Duke Medicine Pavilion, or DMP, is a critical care and surgery expansion of Duke University Hospital. DMP is located adjacent to Duke University Hospital and its entrance is on Duke Medicine Circle, facing the parking garage.
Durham, NC 27710-1000
Everything you need to know for your visit to Duke University Hospital and Duke Medicine Pavilion.
Duke Medicine Pavilion Features
The state-of-the-art, 8-floor pavilion includes 160 critical care rooms, 16 operating rooms, and an imaging suite that contains the Duke Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (MRI) Center and Duke Medicine Pavilion Imaging. Family zones, natural light wells and larger patient rooms and waiting areas provide patients and their loved ones with a top-of-the-line health care experience.
Preparing For Your Visit
Download a map of the Duke University Medical Center campus (PDF, 1.2 MB) or view an interactive online map.
Accessibility Services
We provide equal access for all people and offer a range of free accessibility services to patients and visitors who need them.
Interpreter Services
Free interpreter services can be provided for patients who prefer to communicate in a language other than English.
Free Wi-Fi Available
Duke Medicine Circle Parking Garage:
- Located at 302 Trent Drive and features a climate-controlled, enclosed walkway to Duke Clinic. A free shuttle is located just outside the garage to escort you to the Duke Medicine Pavilion entrance. This parking garage is most convenient for patients and visitors going to the Duke Medicine Pavilion, Duke Cancer Center, and Duke Clinic.
- Cost: $2 per hour or a maximum $12 per day.
Additional Parking Information:
- Parking for oversized vehicles is located adjacent to the Duke University Hospital parking deck. To obtain a pass for an oversized vehicle, call 919-684-7275.
- Valet parking is also available at the entrance to Duke Clinic, Monday - Friday from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm for $14 per visit.
- One-use parking passes ($7 each) and five-use parking passes ($35 each) are available for patients visiting Duke for an appointment, patients in the hospital, and visitors of patients admitted to Duke University Hospital.
- To purchase discounted parking passes, visit an information desk at Duke Central Tower, Duke Medicine Pavilion, the Duke University Hospital entrance, Duke Cancer Center, or Duke Clinic (1st floor main lobby) to obtain a Discounted Parking Authorization Form. You can then go to the parking garage or parking office to purchase the passes. Parking passes expire after one year.
- Please visit one of these information desks if you have questions.
- Contact Duke Parking Services at 919-684-7275.
Duke faculty, staff and students, affiliates, and contractors are not eligible to purchase or use discounted validations.
Public Transportation
Plan your trip to Duke Medicine Pavilion through GoDurham bus routes 6, 11, and 11B or GoTriangle bus routes 400, 405, DRX, and ODX. The closest bus stops are Trent Dr at Duke Hospital South, Duke Hospital, Erwin Rd at Research Dr, and Erwin Rd at Emergency Dr. If you have trouble accessing these routes, visit GoDurham Access and GoTriangle Access to check if you meet the ADA eligibility for accessible transit programs.
Duke Transit provides free bus service to the Duke University Medical Center campus for students, employees, patients, and visitors. See maps of bus routes.