CardioTTRansform-OLE (Cardiac Amyloidosis) - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

We are doing this study to find out if an experimental drug called eplontersen (the study drug) is safe and helpful for people with cardiac amyloidosis. We are enrolling people who previously participated in a clinical trial for this drug called the CardioTTRansform study (ION-682884-CS2).

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Cardiac Amyloidosis

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Adults ages 18-90 who:

  • Previously participated in the CardioTTRansform study (ION-682884-CS2); AND
  • Completed the study regimen in the CardioTTransform study and did not miss their final study visit

For more information about who can join the study, please contact the study team at 919-681-2723.

Age Group

What is Involved?

The study is divided into three parts: screening, the study drug period, and follow-up.

If you choose to join the study, we will review the results from your last visit for the CardioTTRansform study to determine if you are eligible to participate in this study.

If you are eligible, you will enter the study drug period. During this period, you will:

  • Get a dose of the study drug once per month
  • Visit our clinic for a checkup every 3 months
  • Have blood draws, give urine samples, fill out questionnaires, do walking tests, and have ECGs done during the clinic visits
  • Receive compensation for your time

The study drug period will last up to 36 months.

When you stop taking the study drug, we will schedule you to come to our clinic for 2 follow-up visits.

Study Details

Full Title
An Open-Label Extension Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety of Eplontersen (ION-682884) in Patients with Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)
Principal Investigator
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00112244
NCT: NCT05667493
Phase III
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment