CROWN Study (Breast Cancer) - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

We are doing this study to better understand how breast cancer treatment can affect the heart. In particular, we want to know if treatment with near complete estrogen deprivation (NCED) therapy has an impact on heart function.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Risk of Heart Injury in Women Receiving Therapy for Breast Cancer

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Women ages 55 or younger who:

  • Are premenopausal when they receive their breast cancer diagnosis
  • Have Stage 1-to-3 breast cancer
  • Have recently started or plan to start breast cancer treatment therapy

For more information about who can be in this study, please contact the study team at

Age Group

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will:

  • Have 3 heart stress tests over the course of 2 years
  • Have a cardiac MRI at the beginning of the study, at the 1 year mark, and at the end of the study
  • Get a CT scan at the beginning of the study and 2 years later at the end
  • Have an EKG/ECG (measures the electrical signal from the heart) 3 times
  • Have up to 6 blood draws throughout the study

Study Details

Full Title
The Cardiac Outcomes with Near-complete Estrogen Deprivation (CROWN) Study
Principal Investigator
Medical Oncologist
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00110774
NCT: NCT05309655
Phase N/A
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment