Mind to Quit Trial (Smoking Cessation) - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

We are doing this study to compare 2 different approaches to help people quit smoking. We want to know which of these approaches is most likely to help smokers who have a mental illness and want to stop smoking.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Smoking Cessation for People with Mental Illness

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Adults ages 18+ who:

  • Are diagnosed with one of the following: depression, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder
  • Are receiving treatment for mental health (therapy and/or medication) and plan to continue this treatment while enrolled in the study
  • Smoke every day
  • Want to quit smoking
  • Own an Apple or Android smartphone with a data plan
  • Do not regularly use e-cigarettes or any other tobacco product besides regular cigarettes
  • Are willing to use nicotine replacement therapy products (patches and gum)

For more information about who can join this study, please contact the study team at 919-681-4798.

Age Group

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will get a random assignment (like a coin flip) to 1 of 2 groups:

  • One group will use nicotine gum and patches and receive direct advice from a team member about strategies to use to help quit smoking
  • The other group will use nicotine gum and patches and download a mobile app that is being developed to help people quit smoking

Partcipants in both groups will:

  • Have 5 Zoom calls with the study team
  • Answer questionnaires
  • Receive a supply of nicotine patches and gum
  • Do breath test(s) for carbon monoxide levels (if you report that you've quit smoking)

Participation in the study will last for about 6 months. We will compensate your for your time on the study.

You can visit our website to get in touch with us and let us know you are interested: http://trianglesmokingstudies.com/i-want-to-quit-smoking/

Study Details

Full Title
Comparing Two Behavioral Approaches to Quitting Smoking in Mental Health Settings
Principal Investigator
Roger Vilardaga
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00103637
NCT: NCT05030272
Phase III
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment