QOL Ped Intestinal Failure (Short Bowel Syndrome) - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

If you choose to join this study, we will ask you questions about:

  • Your life at home
  • Your life at school
  • Your medical needs

We will ask you to answer these questions each year during one of your regular clinic visits.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Pediatric Intestinal Failure (Short Bowel Syndrome)

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Children and adults ages 6 months-to-25 years old who have a diagnosis of intestinal failure with current or prior history of specialized nutritional support.

Age Group
Adults, Children

What is Involved?

We are doing this study to find out more about the quality of life of children and young adults with intestinal failure (short bowel syndrome) and their families.

Study Details

Full Title
Prospective Multisite Study of Quality of Life in Pediatric Intestinal Failure
Principal Investigator
Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Surgeon
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00103078
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment