Anyone can develop a voice problem at any stage of life. People who use their voices professionally -- such as teachers, coaches, clergy members, performers, lawyers, and telemarketers -- may be more likely to have voice problems.
Voice therapy can improve your voice’s health, function, quality, and stamina. That's why it's often described as "physical therapy for your voice." You may be referred for voice therapy after a joint voice evaluation by a laryngologist -- an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor with advanced training in voice disorders -- and a voice-specialized speech pathologist.
During voice therapy, your speech pathologist will create a home exercise program tailored to your specific voice problem to help you get your voice back on track. It will take expert guidance from your therapist and consistent practice outside of voice therapy sessions to reach your goal. You'll learn how to rebalance your entire vocal instrument -- for example, how to use breath to speak while relaxing the throat to produce your easiest and best sound.
Voice therapy can also help you improve your voice if you experience:
- Vocal cord injury
- Vocal cord swelling
- Vocal nodules, polyps, or cysts (or other non-cancerous lesions)
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Vocal cord thinning (also known as vocal cord atrophy)
- Muscle tension dysphonia
- Spasmodic dysphonia
- Voice tremor
- Chronic cough, chronic throat clearing, and other irritable-larynx-related issues