We use the latest techniques to evaluate your child and recommend the most appropriate treatment, based on their age and condition.
Comprehensive Team of Voice Specialists
We are one of only a few dedicated voice centers in the Southeast with a comprehensive team of voice specialists who have expertise in children's voice problems.
Pediatric ENT Experts
Your child's care team will include a pediatric otolaryngologist -- an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor who specializes in voice disorders -- and speech pathologists, all trained to evaluate and treat children with voice problems, swallowing disorders, and airway problems.
Skilled Pediatric Surgeons
If your child needs surgery, our surgeons are skilled in operating on children's voice boxes. Our pediatric otolaryngologists have the necessary expertise and experience, ensuring your child receives the very best care.
Singing Voice Rehabilitation
Our clinical singing voice specialists -- speech pathologists with additional training in vocal performance and singing voice rehabilitation -- are experienced performers, singers, and singing teachers who understand the special needs of the young singer. They bring empathy and clinical expertise to evaluating and providing specialized therapy to singers and performers of all ages.
Coordination with Other Specialists
If your child has other medical conditions that may contribute to voice strain -- such as allergies, asthma, or acid reflux -- we work with other providers throughout Duke Health to ensure your child receives the best care from an integrated team.
Access to the Latest Research
Our ongoing research ensures your child receives the best, most up-to-date care for their voice disorder.