Please review our visitor guidelines before visiting this location. Keeping everyone safe is our top priority. We appreciate your support of our efforts.
Duke Family Studies Program and Clinic
Duke’s Family Studies Program and Clinic, a specialty clinic in Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, specializes in the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art treatment approaches. Our team of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers — expertly trained in family treatment methods — provide therapy and skillful care.
Clinic Hours
The hours at this location vary. Please call for more information.
2608 Erwin Rd
Suite 300
Durham, NC 27705-4597
Clinic Hours
The hours at this location vary. Please call for more information.
Our Providers
- Couples and marital therapy
- Family therapy for child and adolescent issues
- Parent management training for parents of children and adolescents with behavioral problems
- General family therapy for enhancing family communication and problem solving
Accepted Insurance
Insurance coverage for Duke Family Studies Program and Clinic varies based on your plan. We currently accept all Duke Employee insurance. Before scheduling your appointment, we strongly recommend you contact your insurance company to verify that this location or provider you plan to visit is included in your network. Your insurance company will also be able to inform you of any co-payments, co–insurances, or deductibles that will be your responsibility. For more information, please call the clinic.
About Us

Preparing For Your Visit
Accessibility Services
We provide equal access for all people and offer a range of free accessibility services to patients and visitors who need them.
Interpreter Services
Free interpreter services can be provided for patients who prefer to communicate in a language other than English.
Free Wi-Fi Available
The parking deck is behind the Exchange on Erwin building, accessible via Downing Street (the deck entrance is near the Dunkin’ Donuts). Follow the signs in the parking deck to the top level (level 4). Free parking is available for patients/visitors in designated areas; these parking spaces are marked as Visitor/Patient Parking. Parking is not permitted in non-designated areas and towing is enforced. Use the door under the left blue awning to enter the main lobby for Duke Perinatal Durham / Fetal Diagnostic Center / Duke Child and Family Center / Duke Pediatric Neuro Psych / Duke Center for Autism. Take the elevator to the third floor. The elevator opens into the waiting room/reception area.
Public Transportation
Plan your trip to Duke Family Studies Program and Clinic through GoDurham bus routes 6 and 11A/11B or GoTriangle bus routes 400 and 405. The closest bus stops are Erwin Rd at Downing St and Erwin Rd at Research Dr. If you have trouble accessing these routes, visit GoDurham Access and GoTriangle Access to check if you meet the ADA eligibility for accessible transit programs.
Duke Transit provides free bus service to the Duke University Medical Center campus for students, employees, patients, and visitors. See maps of bus routes.