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Want to Keep Your Duke Doctor Under Medicaid Managed Care?

North Carolina is changing the way it offers health insurance coverage for most people eligible for Medicaid. Here is some important information about NC Medicaid open enrollment and how to keep your access to Duke doctors.
Important Changes for NC Medicaid Patients
Eligible patients have until September 13, 2019, to choose a health plan offered by one of four companies. All of the plans -- AmeriHealth Caritas, Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthyBlue, UnitedHealthcare, and WellCare -- offer the same basic benefits and services.
Duke Health and other health systems are still being added to these plans every day. Duke plans to participate in one or more of these plans.
Questions and Answers About NC Medicaid Enrollment
To Keep My Duke Doctor, What Should I Do?
Wait to select a plan until Duke is added to the plans. In the meantime, you can continue to see your Duke doctor. If you have already selected a plan, you have until January 31, 2020, to change your plan. To change your plan, call 1-833-870-5500.
How Will I Know if Duke Is Participating in Certain Plans?
We will notify you by mail and email once Duke is added to the NC Medicaid health plans, so you can choose a plan that includes Duke Health. You can also check for updates.
Can I Continue to See My Duke Doctor?
Yes. You will have access to Duke doctors and facilities now through October 31, 2019. The new plans go into effect on November 1, 2019.
Do I Have to Change My Plan to Keep Getting Behavioral Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, or Traumatic Brain Injury Services?
If you are currently enrolled in NC Medicaid Direct, please call 1-888-245-0179 to learn about your options. You may be able to get services from a Local Management Entity/Managed Care Organization (LME/MCO). If you enroll in a health plan through NC Medicaid Managed Care, you may not be able to get certain NC Medicaid Direct Services.
When Is Open Enrollment for NC Medicaid?
Open enrollment is July 15–September 13, 2019. The new plans begin on November 1, 2019. You will have until January 31, 2020, to change your health plan selection if you need to.
What Happens if I Don’t Choose a Plan by September 13?
If you do not select a plan by September 13, you will be automatically enrolled in one of the four health plans. If Duke is not offered in the plan you are automatically enrolled in, you have until January 31, 2020, to change your plan.
I Have Questions. Is There Someone I Can Speak With?
For more information, visit or call 1-833-870-5500 to speak with an independent representative.