Elizabeth Bautista, MT-BC, LMFTA
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What is important to you is important to me. It is a great honor to be trusted with your story and to walk alongside you through this process.
– Elizabeth Bautista, MT-BC, LMFTA

Elizabeth Bautista, MT-BC, LMFTA

Medical Family Therapist, Music Therapist

Duke Health Provider question
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Where I See Patients
Duke Cancer Center - Durham, NC
Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center - Durham, NC
What is important to you is important to me. It is a great honor to be trusted with your story and to walk alongside you through this process.
– Elizabeth Bautista, MT-BC, LMFTA

About Me

I am a board-certified music therapist and medical family therapist with years of experience serving a wide range of populations, from older adults to school-aged children in a number of different settings. I am certified as a compassionate bereavement care provider for those who have experienced traumatic loss. I have also received training in working with children and adolescents who have experienced loss. I worked for several years as a hospice music therapist before pursuing a degree in marriage and family therapy in order to further support patients and their families as they navigate the impacts of illness on the family system. I currently work with both pediatric and adult oncology patients. I specialize in helping families face health and life changes, chronic and/or terminal illness, grief, and loss while acknowledging and honoring the intersectionality of each person. With an emphasis on openness and anti-oppressive practice, I aspire to join alongside others as they navigate their own personal and relational journeys.

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Languages I Speak

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Training and Education

Master of Advanced Study in Marriage and Family Therapy, Arizona State University, 2021
Bachelor of Music, Music Therapy, Appalachian State University (North Carolina), 2015

Insurance Accepted

The Cancer Patient Support Program does not charge for Medical Family Therapy services provided to Duke Health patients. Insurance is not accepted.

External Relationships

Duke requires faculty members to report certain relationships outside of their employment in order to ensure potential conflicts can be addressed. This faculty member has reported no outside activities that relate to their Duke responsibilities.