Menopause in Women with Sickle Cell Disease - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

We are doing this study to learn more about the symptoms of menopause in women with sickle cell disease (SCD). We want to learn more about how hydroxyurea, pain, and other SCD-related complications can affect their menopause experience. We hope this study can help us more quickly and easily find out when women with SCD might be experiencing health complications related to menopause.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Sickle Cell Disease

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Women ages 35+ who:

  • Are diagnosed with SCD
  • Have reached menopause (did not have a period for the last 12 months and are not taking birth control)
  • Are not pregnant

For more information about who can be in this study, please contact the study team at

Age Group

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will fill out some surveys about your experiences with menopause and SCD. The surveys take about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Study Details

Full Title
Experiences of Menopause in Women with Sickle Cell Disease
Principal Investigator
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00113416
Phase N/A
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment