Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI for Lung Function (Lung Disease & Healthy Volunteers) - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

If you agree to be in the study, you will have 1 study visit that will last about 4 hours.

The visit will include asking questions about your medical history, vital signs, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and an MRI (magnetic resonance image) of the chest with inhaled Xenon gas.

Someone from the study team will contact you about 24 hours after your study visit.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Lung Disease

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Adult patients with lung disease and healthy volunteers

Age Group

What is Involved?

We are doing this study to learn whether magnetic resonance images of the lung using inhaled xenon gas (Xe MRIs) can show any difference between healthy people, those at risk of developing lung disease, and those with lung disease. We also want to test better ways to do MRI scans and improve their quality

Study Details

Full Title
Hyperpolarized 129Xe MR Imaging of the Lung Function in Healthy Volunteers and Subjects with Pulmonary Disease
Principal Investigator
Cardiothoracic Imaging Specialist
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00025110
NCT: NCT01280994
Phase I
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment